記得當年年紀小,每年農曆初二都會回 頭崙過年。
表弟 張恭陽 從 New York 的來函
Hi 阿麗姊,
The blog is great! I saw the grandma's photo and the family pictures.
Please create more blogs like these!
鍾麗珠 從 Dallas 的來函。
Amy 阿姨從 Colo 的來函。
Dear Li-Yun:
Thanks for the email, I enjoyed to read the "Grama's sky"
on your blog very much! That give me a lots of good
memories from our childhood and growing up life history.
I am glad I have a such good parents,I feel very proud of
them. They had worked hard in their life as their children's
good model to raise seven good kids and now all those
excellent grandchildren. In the heaven they should feel
honor and proud of their descendants now, don't you think
I have forwarded your email to those your cousins, such
like:Greg(Lo Ping),Jane Chen,Yu Shang and Yu Tsai Lin,
and Ming Kuang Shyu. Hopefully, they will write you back
up date about themself and their family, then you may have
more informations to write more about our family tree stories.
Sorry, I didn't reply to you rightaway, because I am lazy to
write email, I rather to make a phone call to talk to people,
so please tell me what is the proper time to call you during
the day? I may call you soon. Please say "Hello" for me to
everyone especially to my sister-your ma. Thank you again!
Best Wishes,
Aunt Amy
表妹 張紫雲 從 Houston 的來函。
Dear 阿麗姊,
Thank you so much for sharing your blog and the stories about our family.
Ted and I often reminisce our childhood stories. I hold those stories so
dear because I don't want to forget how and where I grew up. I love
Grandma's orchard! Before I went to kindergarten she'd take me on her
wagon and we'd spend so much time in the orchard. She'd work, and I would
play until it was time to go home. I vividly remember the banana trees,
the coconut trees, playing in the rice fields, and running around in that
orchard with our dog. I loved the orchard. Thank you for bringing that
memory back. :)
Hope everyone is doing well. I am in Houston still working for Dow as a
business analyst. Wish our family was closer so I can visit more often.
Take care and I look forward to reading your next family story. :)
其它的劇中人物,請把照片 e 過來,或請提供其它表弟、妹的網址,以便大家連絡。